Thursday, July 1, 2010

Feel the Rhythm, Feel the Rhyme! Doug E. Fresh vs. Doug E. Doug

Sanka, ya dead?

In the 80s, the hip-hop community was introduced to Doug E. Fresh a.k.a. The Human Beat Box. With the coming of the 90s, the world discovered that pop culture was only big enough for one "Doug E," because as Fresh's popularity diminished, the torch was passed to actor and comedian Doug E. Doug. But now that we are a decade away from either one's popularity, the time has come to assess just who is the greatest of the Doug Es.

Not only was Doug E. Fresh an MC, but he was one of the earliest talents in rap to shape the Game. He was "Fresh" before the Fresh Prince. The Show is one of the best hip-hop songs of all time (yes, Taylor, Imma let you finish). Back in the day, Doug E. Fresh rolled with Slick Rick, whose childhood accident forced him to wear what would become a trademark eye patch. I give serious props to anyone with enough swag to rock pirate fashion (i.e. eye patches, hooks, peg legs, and puffy shirts), and the fact that Fresh was down with the patch means that I am down with the Fresh. Plus, his uncanny ability to beat box was innovative, not to mention awesome, making Fresh kind of like Sound Effects Guy from Police Academy.
No, it's not Inspector Gadget

Doug E. Doug reigned in the 90s, with roles in a couple below average Disney movies (That Darn Cat, Operation Dumbo Drop). He also shared the screen with comedic pioneer and legend Bill Cosby on Cosby. But as cool as working with the Coz probably was, saying "I was on Cosby" and not The Cosby Show is kind of like saying "I played with Michael Jordan - on the Wizards."
His Airness was a little low on fuel

But despite the lackluster nature of some Doug E. Doug roles, the dread-locked funnyman holds the trump card with his role as the lovable Sanka from Cool Runnings, undoubtedly the best movie ever made about Jamaican bobsledding. Like Rick Moranis said in Little Giants, "even if you lose 99 times out of 100, that still leaves one time." And in Doug E. Doug's case, it only took one moment of greatness to secure his spot as the greatest Doug E that the world has ever known. In the movie, the four man bobsled team fits the same mold as The Great Foursomes: The Beatles and Turtles. That being the case, Doug E. Doug's Sanka is basically Michelangelo with dreads. Need I say more?

Doug E. Fresh may have had a more enduring career, but in the end, which rhythms and rhymes do you remember more? Fresh's The Show or the immortal verses of the Jamaican bobsled team? The Jamaicans have it.
You know you have a crazy group when John Candy's the straight man

PS: Cool Runnings meets 300

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